New Delhi: This International Women’s Day at 00:00 hours, the first Virtual Real estate for Women will go live. Except this digital real estate has DNS built into it. For those of you who are wondering what “DNS” is, let’s just say it’s the building block of the internet.DNS is what allows ‘names’ to be used on the internet instead of IP addresses.
The current DNS is built on Top Level Domains (TLDs) like .com, .org and .in etc. on which users buy domain names. These names are then used to point at hosted content.
Users use these names via browsers to access this hosted content. This whole package of hosted content with the name is what we commonly call a ‘Website’ Eg: google/facebook. Users then register for a username which is then used to login to not just google/FB but pretty most applications on the internet. Usernames from google/FB pretty much serve as universal online identities for most users.
However, the current internet or Web2 as we know it is being replaced by web3. Unlike Web2, on Web3 your user ID belongs to you and is controlled by you. Which means unlike the current namespace that is relevant only to the entrepreneurs, on web3 namespace is relevant to every internet user.
On Women’s Day Agaamin will launch a Indian women specific TLD which will consist of the Indian Flag Emoji followed by a Woman’s Emoji. These are standard emojis on every smartphone and computer.
Since these are programmable names their use cases are only limited by human imagination.
However, some of the immediate ways in which you can use your smart names are: –
1- Your unique name for your avatar in the metaverse.
2- Your Chat Id for Web3 Applications
3- It can be your unique wallet address just like your phone number is for UPI.
4- A domain name for your website.
5- It will be your universal log in to all the Apps on Web3.
6- Your default Defi address.
7- It’s an investment as a Non-Fungible Asset and can be collateralised.
8- Vanity email ids.
Speaking about their launch, Product Head Raju Gupta said. “As something that is relevant to everyone it’s essential that the namespace works for everyone. This TLD supports names in English, all vernacular languages of India and even Emojis thus ensuring that it is completely inclusive.”
Apart from the registration of names, plans are also afoot by Agaamin to create a secondary market where users can buy and sell their smart names thus creating value for the holders of the smart names.
Users can easily access Web3 sites via Opera Browser universally, Beacon Browser for IOS and Puma Browser for Android. On the desktop/laptop you can also install a free open source resolver called Fingertip so as to access web3 via all browsers in your system. Web3 is poised to disrupt the internet in ways we cannot currently imagine. It helps as a nation to be ahead of the curve when it comes to the future.
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