Home Carrier ITBP Recruitment 2022: Apply for 287 Constable Vacancies; Check Here for Details

ITBP Recruitment 2022: Apply for 287 Constable Vacancies; Check Here for Details

ITBP Recruitment 2022: Apply for 287 Constable Vacancies; Check Here for Details

ITBP Recruitment 2022: The Indo- Tibetan Border Police Force (ITBP) has notified vacancies for the post of constable. The application process will start on November 23 and the last date to submit the ITBP application form is December 22, 2022. Candidates can apply online by visiting the official website at recruitment.itbpolice.nic.in.

ITBP Recruitment Apply for 287 Constable Vacancies

ITBP Recruitment Details

This recruitment drive is being conducted to fill 287 vacancies for which 18 vacancies are the post of Constable Tailor, 16 vacancies are available for the post of Constable Gardner, 31 are the post of Constable Cobbler, 78 vacancies are the post of Constable Safai Karamchari 89 vacancies are for the post of Constable Washer man, and 55 vacancies are for the post of Constable Barber.

Age Criteria for ITBP

For the post of Constable (Tailor, Gardener, and Cobbler) candidates age should be between 18 to 23 years. The age limit for the post of Constable ( safai karamchari, washerman, and Barber) should be 18 to 25 years.
Application fee for ITBP Recruitment The application fee is Rs.100 for candidates belonging to UR/OBC/EWS categories. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/Female and Ex-Servicemen are exempted from paying the fee.

Candidates have to apply for the post of ITBP before the deadline. Candidates should keep in mind that the ITBP recruitment 2022 will start from November 23, 2022.

Story first published: Sunday, November 13, 2022, 14:32 [IST]

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