Karntaka 2nd PUC Result 2023: The Karnataka 2nd PUC result 2023 Date, Time is not announced as of now. According to the media reports and past result trends, the result will be elease in first week of May. The Department of Pre-University Education, Karnataka will be issuing the Karnataka 2nd PUC result link on the official website–pue.kar.nic.in

Karnataka 2nd PUC Result Trends
According to the earlier result trends, Karnataka 2nd PUC Result is released within four weeks of the exam. This year the exam was held from March 9 to 29, 2023. Hence, the result is expected to be announce in May, 2023.
Karnataka 2nd PUC 2022 was conducted from April 16 to May 4 and the result was issued on June 18. As per the result trends, a total of 61.88 per cent students passed in the 2nd PUC, Class 12 exam 2022. In 2019, the examinations were conducted from March 1 to March 18 and the results were declared on April 15.
Students who will be scoring 25 marks in the PUC Karnataka 2nd year theory exam are stated to qualify the exam and to clear the practical exam, students have to score at least 11 marks. For Maths paper students have to score 35 marks out of 100 to pass the exam.
This year, more than 7.27 lakh students from 5,716 colleges registered for the Karnataka PUC exam.
Once the result is announced, candidates will be able to check the same on the official websites-karresults.nic.in and pue.kar.nic.in. To check and download the Karnataka 2nd PUC Scorecard 2023, candidates will be required to login using their roll number and other asked credentials.
Students are requested to keep checking the official website for futher information.