The UPSC Prelims 2022 will be held on June 5, around a week from now, by the Union Public Service Commission. Each year, over 10 lakh students apply for the esteemed exam with the hopes of becoming an IAS officer in the country.
The UPSC CSE 2022 Prelims Exam has a wide syllabus that students have to cover, and they must be facing difficulty doing so. Revision of such a broad curriculum is tough in and of itself. Here are some important topics that candidates must not forget to revise.
Do Not Ignore Any Indian Polity Topics! As previously stated, polity is not a subject to be played with.
Environmental Science
Candidates must be aware of all new animal and plant species discovered till date. It’s crucial to know about the species identified between January 2021 and May 2022, as well as all of the environmental meetings and conferences held during that time period.
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Ladakh is another key topic this year. This time, you must be fully informed on the endangered species of Ladakh, Kashmir, and the North East. The Indo-China border disputes have brought Leh, Ladakh, into the spotlight.
History & Political Science
This time, learn everything you can about Sino-Indian issues, Indo-Pak relations, and Indo-Sri Lankan connections. Candidates must be aware of India’s borders, as well as those of its neighbours, and also their geography.
Make sure to look into all of the cyclones and storms. Candidates should be aware of the different forest fires, earthquakes, and tsunamis that occurred throughout the year. Also, pay close attention to the geography of Ukraine, Europe, and Russia.
Science and Astronomy
Revise all asteroids, space agencies, orbits, and missions, among other things. You should also be aware of the most recent telescopes, whether they are space telescopes or Earth telescopes. Don’t forget to go over them again.
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It’s also important to remember to revise renewable energy sources. In addition, revise the Indian government’s missions and projects in this area.
If the above-mentioned topics are well revised, the candidates would have an excellent UPSC CSE 2022 exam.