Home Carrier WBJEE Exam is Scheduled on 30 April 2023

WBJEE Exam is Scheduled on 30 April 2023

WBJEE Exam is Scheduled on 30 April 2023

WBJEE Exam is Scheduled on 30 April 2023

West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board, popularly known as WBJEE will be conducting the Examination on 30th April 2023. The candidates who have enrolled themselves for the WBJEE 2023 are supposed to visit the official website of the organizing body; wbjeeb.nic.in.

WBJEE is going to be holding the WBJEE 2023 test on the OMR-based mode. The WBJEE receives applications for Undergraduate Programs, especially in the field of Engineering and Technology, Pharmacy, and Architecture. The aspirants who want to pursue their dreams in the field of Engineering, Pharmacy, and Architecture in the Indian state of West Bengal, are expected to perform well in the WBJEE 2023.

WBJEE Exam is Scheduled on 30 April 2023

The WBJEE is the gateway to getting admission into the top Universities, Government Colleges, and even Self-Financing Engineering and Technological Institutes in West Bengal. The WBJEE 2023 will allow the candidates to get enrolled for the Academic Year, 2023-2024. By qualifying for the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board (WBJEE), students can opt for their favorite stream and pave their path in the right direction.

Steps to Download WBJEE Admit Card 2023:

Candidates will be able to download the Admit card of WBJEE at wbjeeb.nic.in 2023. The WBJEE 2023 Admit Card will be available only in online mode at the official website. The given steps can be followed by the candidates to download the WBJEE 2023 Admit Card:

Step 1: Visit the official website of WBJEE – wbjeeb.nic.in 2023.
Step 2: Click on the WBJEE Admit Card download link.
Step 3: Candidates will have to enter their Application Number and Password.
Step 4: Click on Login.
Step 5: The Admit Card of WBJEE 2023 will be displayed on the screen.
Step 6: All of the details have to be checked and in case of any discrepancy, the candidates will have to contact the authorities.
Step 7: A printout of the WBJEE Admit Card 2023 has to be taken out for future use.

Aspirants attending the WBJEE 2023 Exam will only be allowed into the Examination centers if they have the following :

  • A printed copy of the West Bengal JEE 2023 Admit Card.
  • A copy of the color photo that was uploaded when applying online for the WBJEE.
  • An original photo ID.

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